Top Natural Home Remedies for Smoker’s Cough

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The symptoms of smoker’s cough is not similar to the symptoms of chest cold. It lets you have a long persistent cough every day and have no signal to disappear. However, if you do not smoke too much, the cough related to smoking will be dry and there is no goop when you cough. If you are a heavy smoke, the cough can be “wet” and phlegm will appear every time. The phlegm can have a numerous colors, such as yellow, green.

There are many remedies to deal with this cough and here are some top home choices you should follow:

  1. Carrot

Carrot is one of the most natural and effective ways to prevent the smoker’s cough from attacking your body. It has a great supply in case you hesitate to give up smoking or keep away from smokers around you. If you are having dry cough, one of the best options for you must be carrot.

How to apply:

  • Choose carefully some raw and fresh carrots.
  • Extract fresh carrot juice by put them into a blender in a kitchen.
  • If you want, you can add a small amount of water in order to dilute it. In addition, you can also add honey to get the highest benefits, because it is another wonderful home ways for smoker’s

Drink this mixture at least three times per day to see positive results.

  1. Mint

With the high quality of soothing, peppermint leaves can be considered as among the best natural and effective home remedies to get rid of smoker’s cough. More importantly, with the relief of soothing relief, peppermint leaves consist of the antibacterial and antiviral attributes, which play an essential part in eliminating cough in smokers.

How to use:

  • In a kettle of water, add about 50 grams of peppermint leaves in it and boil.
  • Cover your head without a nose part and place your head above the boiling kettle of peppermint water.

Inhale the vapors from this mix to get rid of the phlegm.

  1. Chamomile Tea

Drink just a cup of chamomile tea daily can be a vital key to support you eliminate smoker’s cough quickly and safely. In addition, chamomile can help bring relaxation to your mind and body and help you prevent the desire from smoking again.

How to apply:

  • You can use a chamomile bag from market or some spoons of dried chamomile flowers made by yourself.
  • Create a mix by adding it into a bowl of boiling water.
  • Let it steep in three to five minutes before straining it.

Consume it when it comes to warm form for at least four times per day until you get some developments.

  1. Green tea

There are some similarities to chamomile tea, green tea also can work as a great treatment for getting rid of the smoker’s cough. It is considered as one of the most common and effective home choices in order to eliminate some problems such as the itchiness and inflammation and also the painfulness caused by the smoker’s cough. Therefore, add at least three cups of green tea per day can remove the smoker’s cough and also help enhance your immune system. Apply it for several weeks to see the positive results.

  1. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most effective and natural medical herb belongs to home treatments to remove smoker’s cough. With the great presence of antibacterial and antifungal contents, garlic can be the simplest but the best natural way to get rid of smoker’s cough.

How to apply:

  • Prepare some raw and fresh cloves of garlic and have them crushed.
  • Create the mix by adding them in a cup of milk.
  • After stirring them for several minutes, you pour them into the fried pan and start to boil it until a half of them exists. And then you can strain this mixture.

You can add sugar with this mix if you like.

Eat the mixture twice daily and maintain the habit in some weeks to get some improvements.

  1. Salt

If you always have the habit of washing your mouth with salt water, you have already had the good choice to join the treatments for the smoker’s cough. It is the easiest home ways for smoker’s cough that everyone can apply by himself or herself. Some studies have found that salt can help get rid of the phlegm efficiently and quickly. In addition, it is considered as one of the best home remedies for cough that suitable for everyone. For more benefits of salt at: Surprising Tips on How to Get Water Out of Your Ear

  1. Water

The fact that, water is one of the easiest and the most natural home remedies remove smoker’s cough. It can help clear out the phlegm and make it smother to support you to breathe. In addition, the pain caused by smoker’s cough can be eliminated dramatically if you drink an enough t amount of fluid such as juice, water every day. We highly recommend you should consume from eight to ten cups of water per day.

  1. Honey

Honey is another home choices as a treatment for smoker’s cough. Honey consists of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties so it can prevent the increase of phlegm in your throat and help protect the lungs from being damaged because of smoking.

To remove smoker’s cough successfully, you should eat one spoon of raw honey three times per day.


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