5 Best Indian Travel YouTubers You Must Follow

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Best Indian Travel YouTubers

Thanks to YouTube, many travelers in India are sharing their travel videos. But what’s interesting for us viewers is that we are getting a scope to explore the diversified personalities and characteristics that each of these travelers have to show us. So many videos are many amazing videos as travel vlogger, fashion, comedy channels, technology, cooking, music, dance, etc. Video blogging is not an easy job. Along with video making, one also has to have some idea about video editing, adding voice over script as well as knowing how to present the entire story. Hence, nothing of these would have happened had it not been for their hard work, dedication, and amazing set of skills. Below is a list of five Indian travel YouTubers whom you should know and follow if you want to follow their footsteps:

Kritika Goel

Kritika Goel
Image Source: Kritikagoel.com

Kritika Goel tops our list owing to her consistency in presenting to us with new videos every week. In the beginning of 2019, she had already uploaded 12 videos. She mainly specializes in lifestyle and travel videos through which she hopes to entertain and inspire her followers. But what’s even more inspiring is her persistence in turning her once-upon-a-time hobby, which was an outlet from her 9-to-5 job, into a profession. This was her leap of faith and we are happy watching the amazing places it has taken her to and the potentiality that she had the opportunity to explore.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kritika2626/about

No. of Subscribers: 132,919 (subject to change)

Debrup Travel & Films

Debrup Travel & Films

It is a YouTube channel owned by by Debarup Mukherjee from Kolkata. He is travelling for the last seven years. He is amazing juggler when it comes to balancing work life, family, and travelling. In fact, he feels that it is the best form of recreation and of finding oneself. The videos show that his journey to different places mostly in the Northern part of India. His love for the mountains is evident in the videos, with Debarup’s voice narrating their entire itinerary. Debarup is also a photographer and the videos and the photos are taken by him. Quite recently, one of his travel pictures got selected for KitKat commercial ad.

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/debruptravelfilms

No. of subscribers: 32,467 (subject to change)

Toll Free Traveller

Toll Free Traveller

If you are wondering who this toll free traveler could be, well his name is Rohith and he describes himself as a passionate traveler, motorcyclist, and adventure seeker from Chennai, India. He is one of the very few people who can dare to give up their comfort and chase their dreams even if it means enduring hardships at extreme level. He had travelled a considerable part of India on his motorcycle, a Royal Enfield Thunderbird 500 that he had nicknamed as Faith. A series of fortunate events had taken him to places that he had dreamt of visiting, discover people and experience what he had only thought of as just a dream. He shares his stories through his YouTube channel.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcA0QTuiTSxAwsDrZNk4R6A/about

No. of Subscribers: 63,552 (subject to change)

Hopping Bug by Nishit Sharma

He is a guy who knows how to juggle both his work and his passion. An IITian, he is a digital marketer by profession. It was while doing his corporate job that he had realized how even after working at an office, most of us waste the little time that we get either by watching something on Netflix or by doing something unproductive. After spending three years in his job, he finally decided to utilize his free time and organize his leaves in a year so that he could plan his travel and also make videos about his travel. Hence started his journey as a traveler. Over a period of two years he had started brushing his skills in film making. Currently he is also working on commercial shoots as an aerial cinematographer.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbBB48flN4pVEcqa37QE1w/videos

No. of Subscribers: 119, 972 (subject to change)

Tanya Khanijow

Tanya Khanijow
Image Source: Youtube.com

Tanya Khanijow is a solo travel enthusiast and travel film maker. She shares stories from her epic adventures that will make you want to travel vicariously and want more of it. She is very hardworking and consistent and this is evident from the videos that she shares with her subscribers every week. She quit her well paying corporate job in pursuit of her dreams. She is someone who loves adventure, new cultures, different experiences and all the good things that one can learn from outside the comfort of one’s home.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGeGhS_akOxBWQcSmje6B-w/about

No. of Subscribers: 243,107 (subject to change)


With our fifth name, we end the list here. Visit their YouTube pages to watch their videos if you are a travel enthusiast. Learn how you too can turn your passion into a profession.


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Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.