Samudrayaan Matsya 6000: A Major Milestone in India’s Deep-Sea Exploration

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Matsya 6000 India's Next Step in Deep-Sea Exploration

Matsya 6000 is an Indian crewed deep-submergence vehicle (DSV) that is being developed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) in Chennai, under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. The vehicle is named after the mythical fish-avatar of Vishnu, Matsya.

Design and Development

Matsya 6000 is designed to operate at a depth of up to 6,000 meters (20,000 feet). It will have a crew of three and will be equipped with a variety of scientific instruments, including cameras, sonar, and a manipulator arm. The vehicle will be used to explore the deep ocean, study marine life, and collect samples of rocks and sediments.

The development of Matsya 6000 is part of the Deep Ocean Mission (DOM), which was launched by the Indian government in 2021. The DOM aims to develop India’s capabilities in deep-sea exploration and research.

The road map for the development of Matsya 6000 is as follows:

  • The design of the vehicle is complete and the construction is underway.
  • The vehicle is expected to be completed by 2025.
  • The vehicle will undergo sea trials in 2026.
  • The vehicle is expected to be operational by 2027.

The expected date of start of the project is 2023. The project is expected to cost ₹350 crore (US$47 million).

Samudrayan Matsya 6000 – A Major Milestone

Matsya 6000 is a major milestone in India’s quest to become a leading player in deep-sea exploration. The vehicle will enable Indian scientists to explore the deep ocean and make new discoveries about the Earth’s oceans.


Here are some of the benefits of Matsya 6000:

  • It will help to explore the deep ocean, which is a largely unexplored frontier.
  • It will help to study marine life, including rare and endangered species.
  • It will help to collect samples of rocks and sediments, which can be used to study the Earth’s history.
  • It will help to develop new technologies for deep-sea exploration.

After ISRO’s Chandrayaan 3 success, this vehicle is going to be a significant achievement for India and is a testament to the country’s growing capabilities in deep-sea exploration. The vehicle has the potential to make major scientific discoveries and contribute to India’s economic growth.

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Ayan Mondal