Indian Railway Photography
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9 Best Steve McCurry’s Indian Railway Photography

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Steve McCurry is one of the best photographer in Modern times and he becomes famous for his captivating image of an Afghani woman with attracting green eyes, His Photography is described as “the most evocative color photography”. During his visit to India in the eighties, he roamed around several railway stations in the country and captured the daily activities, lifestyle, class of People while travelling by train.

According to his own words, “when the train pulls into the station there is a mad dash of humanity. People push through the doors and climb through windows to capture an elusive seat to avoid the punishment of standing for an entire trip.” .

The Images are basically a collection which perfectly describes the people of India at that time.

Some of the best Indian Railway Photography done by Steve McCurry

The Old Delhi Train Station, 1983

This picture is so nostalgic. A man is reading a news paper early in the morning (probably) while waiting for his train.

A man is selling fruits on the Platform

A Man is resting in the platform just behind his fruit stalls. One can see this picture in a junction station even today.

Waiters in a luxury class train

This is an iconic picture of two waiters exchanging tea treys between two bogies of a fast moving luxury train in India. even today, we see some expert moves by the tea vendors while travelling by trains.

Simla, India 1984

“Ticketless Travel is a Social Evil” …this social message is very true even today. Some of the passenger frequently practice to enjoy train ride without ticket.


This is the picture of Assam Mail took on 1983. Trains was crowd then, trains are crowded now and will be in future also.

Magnum Photos, NYC9498, MCS1982002 K100, Phaidon, The Imperial Way, Iconic Images, final book_iconic, final print_milan

Two village women lean out the window of the Howrah Mail train at a local station stop on its way to Calcutta, West Bengal, India, 1982.

Bicycles on the side of the train-1983

Have you seen this picture of bycycles are tide by ropes with the windows of the trains? This was quite common in eighties and even nineties in India. But now, it becomes a rare practice.

INDIA-10203, Workers move a steam locomotive at the railway yard in Agra, near Taj Mahal, Pradesh, India, 1983

Good old steam engine in the backdrop of the Taj Mahal in Agra.

The Agra Railway Junction in the Year 1983.

Hope you have enjoyed the Indian Railway Photography by famous photographer Steve McCurry who has created a visual narrative with the lenses.


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Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.