Importance of Effective Recruitment & Selection Process

65 points
Effective Recruitment Process
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As a business owner, you want a team that you can count on to get the job done while you focus on other things. Management of any large corporation will tell you that finding good, loyal talent is hard. Take the time to develop a recruiting process that is constantly looking for people with the skills you need and the motivation to work for you. A good process not only finds great employees but saves you time and money on replacing and training new people.

Finding Quality Candidates

Having good quality employees is the number one goal for any employer. Establishing a job description and advertising in places like Jooble where you know you will be able to attract people with the right set of skills is the first step. It’s important to identify which tasks you need the recruit to complete and whether or not you are capable of training them. For example, a plumber hiring a bookkeeper isn’t going to want to train a bookkeeper on how to do the job.

Research how competitors pay for the same job and the types of benefits that they offer. Many good employees will actually choose to work for an employer paying a little less if there are benefits such as health or retirement plans. Get a feel for the market, establish a budget and seek a candidate that meets the skill requirements for the job and pay them accordingly.

Save Training Time and Money with Proper Selection

Go through a systematic set of questions and even skills tests to determine if candidates are able to fulfill the job needs. This helps establish confidence in knowing that you have logically gone through a recruiting process and choose people based on defined metrics rather than gut feelings. When you do this, you increase your chances of having someone succeed in the job.

If you don’t need to constantly replace people, you will save time and money on the recruiting and training of new candidates. Understand that downtime could negatively affect your business revenues if you become short-staffed; keeping turnover low is important. There are costs and time spent putting out job ads, interviews and training new people. Taking the time to choose properly the first time helps mitigate this.

Reduce Potential Legal Ramifications

When you have a systematic process in place that you follow for every candidate, you reduce the chances of finding yourself in employment-related legal issues. Employers can get sued for bias if a candidate feels there was some level of discrimination that resulted in not getting the job. Keeping interview questions professional and not asking personal questions is important to prevent any misconceptions.

Giving the same skills tests to all candidates means that no one was given preferential treatment. Employers are not allowed to discriminate based on age, gender, religion or disabilities.

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65 points
Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.