Find Travel Buddies Now On These 12 Cool Social Travel Apps

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Social Travel Apps

Planning a solo trip can be a pain, but hey it’s 2019 and we are living in the era of technology. If you have a smartphone, we have some very cool apps that can not only help you plan your trip better but also make it a dozen times more exciting.

While social media apps are a great mode to share your travel experiences, they won’t help you plan your trip or in connecting you with like-minded travelers. We got social travel apps for this purpose. These apps are great for getting good recommendations and travel tips as well. Read on to find out the best 12 social apps designed specifically for travelers.

Top Social Travel Apps to Find & Meet New Travel Buddies:

  • Xoxo Tours – Xoxo Tours is a great app designed for travel enthusiasts & solo travelers around the world who want to meet and connect with other fellow travelers or locals and maybe even find their travel buddy to travel together. You can chat & connect with them and further meet & travel with them.
  • Foursquare – Traveling to a new place you have no idea about? Use Foursquare to get the best personalized recommendations. By identifying your GPS, the app locates for the best nearby places that are worth visiting and those you’d love going to. This is done after you give the app permission to track your location. After that it keeps running in the background automatically keeping a note of places you visit. The app is freely available for iOS and Android users and is really easy to use.
  • Couchsurfing – Use this site If you wish to travel the world on a low budget. It’s not always possible to live in the best hotels and eat the best food, unless of course you are born into money. The major part of expense during any vacation constitutes of hotel stays but don’t worry as we have an app recommendation that could help you save money on them. Couchsurfing helps you find kind strangers all over the world that let you stay at their places for free. There is also a review section in these apps where other travelers share their experiences with the hosts and give suggestions.
  • Ask a Stranger – When it comes to finding out about the best restaurants, clubs, hotels or cafes in any city, no one knows better than the locals living there. But it’s not easy to just walk up to them on the street randomly and ask their suggestions. Ask a Stranger app helps to answer all your travel queries by connecting you with the locals. Every time a person answers the question posted on the app, they are rewarded with points which can be redeemed later for real money.
  • Travel Buddies – Looking for a travel enthusiast to and travel together? Then Travel Buddies is definitely the right app for you. You can also find locals on this app that are willing to provide you with the best travel tips & recommendations and other travelers that would gladly agree to meet you for a cup of coffee or a glass of beer.

  • TripIt – TripIt is all about you having a good time while traveling. It not only builds a personal itinerary for you with all your flights, hotels and cab reservation details organized at one place, it also saves a copy of your important travel documents such as your passport and your Id card which are password protected. You can get access to any info whenever you want as this app is available offline as well as online.
  • Travefy – Travefy is one of the best free travel apps available, if you want to find people for group travel. You can make your travel plans here, keep all the travel documents organized, track expenses and split it within the group. You can also pin the locations you want to travel to and activities you want to do. And later share it with your group to discuss the same.
  • Travello – With the tagline of “social network for travellers”, Travello leaves little doubt in mind what the app is all about. This free app helps you meet travelers with similar interests as yours. All you have to do is create your profile on the app and add your trip itinerary to see who will be there at the same time as you. Then filter the result according to your preferences.

  • TripGiraffe – TripGiraffe helps you to plan your trip well in advance. With this app, you create a trip and wait for other people to join it or join a trip already created by someone else. When you create a trip, you also get the option to approve the trip members. There is also a blog section where travelers can add their vacation experiences and stories.

  • The Travel Sisters – For all the solo female travelers out there, we hear you. We know you are concerned about your safety and would rather find a female travel companion to accompany you on your trip. The Travel Sisters is a female only app that would connect you with women travelers from all over the world. It exists right now in the form of a web app with plans being made to launch it soon in the form of mobile app as well.

  • Travel Pal – This app is available in 150 countries with more than 1.5 million hosts registration. It is similar to the Couchsurfing app and helps you find a place to crash in the city you are visiting. This is great as you are able to meet travel buddy, interact with them, share your stories, food and have a lovely time without paying a dime.

  • Worldpackers – Worldpackers is an amazing app that connects you with different hosts in the city you traveling to and in exchange of accommodation, you provide them with some sort of work. You can use your skills for providing volunteer services in permaculture institutes, schools, NGOs, social projects, organic farms and so on.


When you travel to a new place, you are stepping out of your comfort zone into a whole new culture. Instead of going deep into your shell, you need to interact more with people to gain knowledge and create memories. You can use the free social travel apps mentioned above to have a great time on your vacation.


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Riya Ghosh

Riya is a professional writer, dreamer, ideator and an animal lover. She loves to weave her thoughts through words and imagination. When she is not writing, she is engrossed in glass painting. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter