PM Modi’s 66th Birthday Cake to Break Guinness World Record

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Modi's Birthday Cake

Apart from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with his mother on his 66th birthday on Saturday, the most talked and discussed topic among the people is : Modi’s birthday cake.

Atul Bekary, a Surat based bakery chain claim to make the world’s tallest pyramid shaped cake to mark the PM’s 66th birthday on Saturday. The bakery has joined hands with Shakti Foundation, an NGO, which works to empower women in rural and urban areas.

Weighing an astounding 3750 kg, Modi’s birthday cake is 7 feet in height and is of a pyramid shape. Thirty master chefs have participated in preparing the cake. The preparation of the cake is finished in just three day, confirmed by several media and news channels.

This giant cake will be cut by girls coming from various tribal areas and distributed among them and others.




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