5 Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2020

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5 Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2020

Social media is one of the most powerful and impactful marketing strategies today. There are over 3 million people who have an account on social media, and if your brands want to reach these people, they need to have a presence on these social platform too.

But the thing about social media is that it is dynamic, and it keeps changing. Every day, new algorithms and laws and trends come up, which means that if you want to stay ahead of your marketing game, you have to know about changing dynamics too.

You need to enhance your marketing strategy if you want to stay ahead of your competitors. In this blog, we will discuss five of the best ways to improve or upgrade your social media strategy.

Let’s begin…

1. Include audio in your social media marketing strategy

Audio is becoming an integral part of social media marketing tactics, and if you don’t start including it, you will stay behind your competitors.

Thus, find a platform where you can share audio materials, like a podcast, and record some of the best content that you can think of for your brand.

You will have to look at various aspects when you are thinking of publishing audio content. Like a platform that permits audio content, a microphone, software to record, and edit and so on. Also, if you can, find a person who can transcribe the audio file into a blog for people who prefer the latter.

2. You need to target true engagement

True engagement is when you start a conversation with your target audience and encourages them to like or follow your content on social media without engagement bait. Sometimes, a brand post content with the caption, tag a friend, or what are your views; in hopes of starting a conversation. But they don’t include any content that is worth having a conversation about.

Thus, brands need to stop posting content with engagement bait. Instead, work on posting content which is of importance and is relevant to the audience. This way you will get true engagement and more referrals from social media.

3. Use social media to promote your evergreen content

It is impossible to find and publish new content every day. It is because you cannot just publish anything, you need to write content that is fresh and relevant, and is useful for the customer and fixes their problems.

But you still need to keep posting frequently for consistency. Thus, find the content on your blog or website that is evergreen and that ranked highest or brought the highest traffic. Share that article’s link on your social media channels to promote them again and bring more traffic to your brand. Social media is great when it comes to promoting something, and if you do it in the right way, even your old content can bring a lot of traffic.

4. Collaborate with micro-influencers

Micro-influencers are people on social media like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (you can try quantum marketer) that have followers from 1k to 10k. If you want to reach more audience and promote your brand more, you should collaborate with micro-influencers instead of with influencers who are higher in terms of followers and activeness. It is because a study has shown that influencers who have followers in thousands take low fees to promote your brand and also they have the most real followers. The higher the number of followers is, the chances that they have fake followers are more.

Also, with micro-influencers, you can work with more people within a budget. So, opting for them is smarter than working with big social media sensation.

Make sure that you research the influencers well and find someone from your niche and whose content has a high engagement rate.

5. Use new and better tools for images

All social media platforms are incomplete without images. But you cannot post any image; you need relevant images that are properly edited and unique. For that, you can take help from Canva. It is an online tool that you can use to edit your images or even find relevant images from its library. It is free and paid both which has more features. So choose the plan which suits you best.

Social media is not going anywhere, no matter how many disadvantages it poses. So, if you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to be on social media, and make sure you make an informed social media marketing strategy for the same.


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Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.