A Brief Guide on the Role of Neurologist in Your Health

65 points

There are different specialists to take care of different health conditions. If you think a general doctor would examine all your health issues and give you a remedy then you are wrong. It is always advised to visit a professional than to end up with a general doctor.No matter what your need is you can find the best solutions. Today, getting the top 10 neurosurgeons in India is not a challenging task. Whether your legs, hands, chest, face or brain; you need to be double sure about its proper working. You cannot afford to have any risks with your health. for example if you have any issues with your brain or spinal cord then visiting a Neurologist in your city is the first thing you should do. A neurologist is a specialist having specialized training in diagnosing and treating ailments of brain, peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and muscles. Most of the time, a primary care medical expert refers patients to a neurologist in case they have signs that show a neurological issue.

What is a brain tumour?

When you get to know that someone has grain tumour, you instantly get terrified. Brain tumour is not a small thing at all. Your brain is your body organ that is composed of nerve cells and supportive tissues such as glial cells and meninges. There are three chief parts and these control your activity such as breathing (brain stem), activity such as moving muscles to walk (cerebellum) and of course your senses such as sight and your memory, thinking, emotions and personality (cerebrum). There can be different types of brain tumours and once you know about them, you can be more careful about them.

First are the primary brain tumours and these can be either malignant (possess cancer cells) or benign (do not possess cancer cells). A primary brain tumour is a growth that begins in the brain tissue. In case a cancerous tumour begins elsewhere in your body, it can spread cancer cells that grow in your brain. These kinds of tumours are known as secondary or metastatic brain tumours. Don’t worry, even if you get to know about tumour, you can look for surgery cost in India and get the tumour eradicated. If you spot the tumour in time, you can get recovered in the most effective and complete manner.

When most of the general cells grow old or get injured, they die, and fresh cells take their place. Attimes, such a process goes wrong. Fresh cells form when the body does not require them, and old or injured cells don’t die as they must. The formation of additional cells often forms a mass of tissue known as a growth or tumour.
Even if you think that there are some signs of Parkinsons, you can look for treatments. You can look for Parkinson’s disease treatment in India and get started as soon as possible. For your information, Parkinson’s ailment is adisease that affects the portion of your brain that controls how you move the body. Generally, there is no cure for Parkinson’s ailment, but you can easily get treatment and support to help control or manage the symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of benign brain tumours generally are not particular. The following are the symptoms that combined or alone, can be triggered by benign brain tumours. It is unfortunate that these signs can emerge in many other ailments:

  • hearing problems
  • vision problems
  • changes in mental capabilities (as an example , concentration, speech and memory)
  • seizures, muscle jerking
  • balance problems
  • nausea/vomiting
  • facial paralysis
  • change in sense of smell
  • severe headaches
  • numbness in extremities

A neurologist can treat patients having these following medical conditions:

  • Neurological trauma
  • Tumours of the nervous system
  • Multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases
  • Stroke
  • Infections of the nervous system
  • Epilepsy
  • Infections of the nervous system
  • Peripheral nerve disease
  • Movement disorders
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Dementia
  • Sleep disorders
  • Headaches

Symptoms that warrant you to visit a neurologist are as under:

Chronic pain

Many individuals have pain in their neck or back. While such type of pain can often be taken care of by a chief care physician, at times a neurologist is going to get involved, mainly if the pain is linked with other neurological issues like numbness, weakness, orissues with bowel or bladder control.

Severe headaches

Nearly everybody suffers from headaches at some point, generally because of tension or maybe a mild sickness like a cold. On the other side, some folks suffer from more extreme headaches such as frequent migraines. In rare instances, the headache might be caused by something dangerous and serious such as bleeding into brain or enhanced pressure in skull. Patients having severe or life-threatening headaches might need to be taken care of by a neurologist.

Sort of Dizziness

Individuals mean various different things when they say they are feeling dizzy, and various types of dizziness need different types of doctors. Neurologists usually see patients having vertigo and disequilibrium. Vertigo includes a sense of the world rotating as if one was on a merry-go-round. Talking about disequilibrium, it means a lack of balance or coordination. Such feelings have diverse causes, some more grave than others. Even if there comes a time that you have to go through a surgery, you can look out for brain tumour surgery cost in India and make arrangements. There is full cure for tumours if actions are taken in time.

Extreme weakness

People do confuse weakness with fatigue. An example of real weakness is being not in a position to lift something no matter how much you try, even when you used to do it earlier. Fatigue means that with complete effort, you can attain the strength you require to lift something, but it might feel more challenging and tiresome to do so. Weakness generally affects just some muscle groups, whereas fatigue does affect all of them.


So, the point is to see a neurologist if you have any of the above issues. Don’t procrastinate in these serious matters. Even if you want a specific treatment like Parkinson’s disease treatment in India, there are experts to take care of you!


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Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.