Brave Girl makes a Stand against Misogyny with Her Compelling Words

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Stand against Misogyny
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Today the verdict has come for which the nation was eagerly waiting.

The four accused of Nirbhaya Gangrape are awarded with capital punishment and we are appreciating Supreme Court order wholeheartedly as the justice has come after five long years of the brutal gangrape incident in Delhi.

But is that enough?

Will that change the situation of the girls in male dominated society?

The Answer is “NO”.

Here the change is needed within us, the society where we belong should keep aside all stereotypical thoughts and give equal rights to all the genders.

Here is an amazing Video by a Girl who pointed out the stereotypical thoughts of our society about girls. This brave girl deserves a loud applause. And her breathing during the speech or narration does tell us the passion with which she spoke and stand against misogyny.

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Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya has done his post graduate in business administration and now working as digital marketing executive in a US based firm. He loves to share the trending news and incidents with his readers. Follow him in Facebook or Twitter.